Growing Up is a Philippine television drama series broadcast by GMA Network. It aired from June 2, 1997 to February 12, 1999. Jointly produced by GMA Network and VIVA Television, the show aired every Monday as a primetime drama series, which was served as a sequel to TGIS. The show was reaired in GMA7's late weeknight/early morning block from 2000 to 2001 as part of the network's 50th anniversary celebration.
Video Growing Up (1997 Philippine TV series)
The cast of the original TGIS show are depicted as having moved on from high school to college and encounter more serious challenges in their lives.
Maps Growing Up (1997 Philippine TV series)
Cast and characters
- Angelu de Leon - Ma. Patrice "Peachy" Real
- Bobby Andrews - Joaquin "Wacks" Torres III
- Onemig Bondoc - Jose Mari "JM" Rodriguez
- Red Sternberg - Francisco Martin "Kiko" Arboleda de Dios
- Raven Villanueva - Cristina "Cris" de Guzman
- Michael Flores - Miguel "Mickey" Ledesma
- Donna Cruz - Stephanie Enriquez
- Jake Roxas - Noel Sta. Maria
- Diego Castro - Anthon Legaspi
- Rica Peralejo - Michelle "Mitch" Ferrer
- Bernadette Allyson - Beatrice Santillan
- Ryan Eigenmann- Inigo Duque Escaler
- Mariel Lopez - Angel Buena
- Lindsay Custodio - Melissa
- Ciara Sotto - Regina "Rain" Abrera
Production team
- Director: Mark Reyes
- In-charge of Production: Leny C. Parto
- Supervising Producer: Veronique del Rosario-Corpuz
- Executive Producer: Neil del Rosario
- 2nd Unit Director: Dominic Zapata
- Head Writer: Kit Villanueva Langit
- Asst. Director: Aya Topacio
- Production Designer: Danny Jota
- Lighting Director: Monino Duque and Jay Linao
External links
- Growing Up on IMDb
Source of the article : Wikipedia